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How to Care for Your Painted Agama

painted agama care guide

Mountain horned dragons (Acanthosaura capra) are moderate-sized, diurnal, arboreal lizards native to southeast Asia, specifically Cambodia and Vietnam. They prefer tropical forest for habitat and are also known as the “green pricklenape.”

Mountain horned dragons are capable of growing up to 12” long, with most of their length being tail. They can be best identified by the elongated spines at the back of their neck, prominent brow ridges, beardlike throat pouch, large eyes, rough triangular scales, and shorter spines along the anterior portion of the back. Coloring and pattern are variable and may shift with the lizard’s mood. They typically have a base color of olive or brown, but green or almost black is possible. Markings may be golden yellow or white. They may have a spotted pattern with black- and white-rimmed eyes, or they may be patternless.

Mountain horned dragons are known to make good pets, particularly when captive-bred rather than wild-caught. Wild-caught individuals are less likely to acclimate well to captivity due to a high parasite load, dehydration, stress, and generally poorer health. However, legitimately captive-bred individuals are extremely rare in the US.